Theoretical foundations of nursing practice

    • 1. Read the following chapters:
    • Chapter 6: Theoretical foundations of nursing practice (Blais & Hayes Textbook)
    • Chapter 10: The nurse as a research consumer (Blais & Hayes Textbook)
    • Chapter 13: Communication process (Blais & Hayes Textbook)
    • Chapter 9: Communicating Effectively (Sullivan)
    2. Choose a nursing theory from the theories discussed in the textbook. Alternatively, you may use a nursing theory that is not discussed in the book (i.e. Transition Theory by Meleis).
    3. Write a 3-4 page (excluding Title and Reference pages) double spaced paper addressing the following:
    e. What is the name of the theory and the theorist? What is the theory all about?
    f. Why did you select this theory?
    g. How would you apply this theory to nursing practice? Cite an example from your clinical or work experience where you can apply the chosen theory. If you are not working as a nurse yet, think about your experiences during your clinical rotation.
    h. Organize the paper by using level headings (review page 62 of the APA manual. You may use the above questions as guide to construct the level headings for the paper.
    4. Format the paper according to APA style of writing. Abstract is NOT required. Use Times New Roman font and 12 font size. Use at least 3 articles (you can use more than 3) from peer-reviewed journals with one of the articles being a research article. This is where you will apply the knowledge from the Library Assignment Module. Do not use your textbook or other textbooks as references for this paper. The paper should have a running head. Search to Module 2 and 2B for the document on How to write a Running head and follow the step by step procedure.

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