theology in media world

    Choose some media product–a film, a television program, an advertising campaign or an individual advertisement, a product of popular music, a web site, a computer game, a play, or something similar.
    Describe it in some detail (or even including a sample).
    Analyze the theology it presents. (Keep in mind our working definition of theology as a “systematic reflection on belief.”) What does the item you chose tell us about encountering God or about God or about belief? What does it tell you about how its creators think about God? in images? in musical terms? in words? What does it say about the general ecology of which it is a part?
    Then compare that theology to the theological expression of the Christian churches, the Jewish community, or another religious tradition. (You can base this on your own past study or you can look up a statement of belief from one or other religious group.)

    (Length should be 8 pages.)

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