The use of social media by terrorist groups on example of Islamic State

    Subject: Diplomacy and International Relations
    Dissertation Structure which has to be followed:
    1. Title Page
    2. Table of Contents
    3. Acknowledgements or Preface
    4. Chapter 1 – Introduction
    5. Chapter 2 – Analasys
    6. Chapter 3 – Analasys
    7. Chapter 4 -Conclusion
    8. Appendices (if any)
    9. Bibliography (at least 12 sources)

    Key Research Questions
    To begin with, we will be looking at what social media platforms are available to IS, why they use these different platforms and how they

    manage to use these new technologies undetected. Secondly, this paper will aim to answer the question as to if the use of social media by

    IS has led to an increase in the number of recruits they aim to target. Thirdly, the paper will discuss how social media portrays IS in

    the eyes of the general public. Furthermore an in depth analysis into IS propaganda messages, videos and threats delivered via social

    media will be critically examined and conclusions would be reached as to what impact this has on both IS and the world at large.

    References which have to be used and included:
    1.The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the new Sunni Revolution
    Patrick Cockburn

    2. The ISIS Threat: The Rise of the Islamic State
    U.S. Congress – Province Research

    3.Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can’t Ignore
    Jay Sekulow

    4.Global Terrorism and New Media: The Post-Al Qaeda Generation
    Phillip M. Seib

    5.Media and Terrorism: Global Perspectives
    Des Freedman, Daya Kishan Thussu

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