The US Civil War, “Freedom”

    General Guidelines:??
    a)Each separate response should be 800 words.?
    b) Use citations from our class sources.?
    c) Structure your ideas and focus on the prompt.?
    d) This is not a research paper, so all needed information is provided in the course. Use your discussion exchanges as well.?
    e) This is not a summary assignment, so be sure to make your thesis/argument clear and support it.
    1.Reflect on the skill you identified to develop during this course.

    Effective oral and written communication

    To what extent have you achieved your goal?
    How have you used this skill already outside of class? What will you do to continue the development of that skill.

    Reference at least one resource that impacted your skill development. ?

    American Identities: An Introductory Textbook
    Dissent in America, Concise Edition, Ralph Young



    2. Global perspectives on American History often reframe the standard national narrative. Select one event or concept in weeks 4-6 that is typically framed as an “American” entity (i.e. The US Civil War, “Freedom”)
    How would explain your selection using a global perspective? What primary sources would you use to problematize the common narrative? What possible explanations would be drawn from the global framing?


    How Other See Us, and what we can learn: Global Agenda 2011


    American Identities: An Introductory Textbook, Lois P. Rudnick (Editor), Judith E. Smith (Editor), Rachel Lee Rubin (Editor) .Wiley-Blackwell (2005). ? ISBN-10: 0631234322
    PAGES 240-359

    • Dissent in America, Concise Edition, Ralph Young, Prentice Hall, Concise edition (2008) ? ISBN-10: 0205625894
    PAGES 417-479

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