The unit title and code number must be clearly marked on the assignment top sheet: To understand the nature, scope and role of marketing in organisations Custom Essay

    Students failing to submit material through Turnitin but provide a hard copy only will be considered as not having met the requirements of the assessment task and will be referred (rather than failed for non-submission).

    Coursework must be handed in by the date and time specified. Late work is not accepted, and will be deemed a fail and graded G(0) (no work submitted).

    Learning Outcomes

    ? To understand the nature, scope and role of marketing in organisations;
    ? To be able to identify and discuss the key issues that marketers face as they make decisions;
    ? To understand and discuss the key concepts and theories that inform marketing decisions;
    ? To identify and analyse marketing problems and plan appropriate courses of action;
    ? To apply marketing theory in different organisational contexts;
    ? To express ideas and findings and proposals both verbally and in writing.


    Picton and Broderick define integrated marketing communications as

    A process which involves the management and organisation of all agents in the analysis, planning, implementation and control of all marketing communications contacts, media, messages and promotional tools focussed at selected target audiences in such a way as to derive the greatest economy, efficiency, effectiveness and coherence of marketing communications effort.

    Select a large service organisation (e.g. Bank, Airline Company, Telecommunications Company, Hotel, Restaurant) that advertises heavily in many media and show how it makes use of the integrated marketing communications concept, providing the necessary evidences.

    You will need to collect your examples (e.g. TV advertisements, Flyers, Store photographs, on-line advertisements, catalogues, event posters) over a period of several weeks. If you leave it to the day before it is due in you will inevitably receive a failing grade. This is an individual assignment and I would expect 1500 words plus several examples which may include your notes on what you observe on a store visit.

    Format for submission

    Written Report

    – The word limit for is 1500 words.
    – All work should be word processed using either Times New Roman or Arial font, Arial 12 point; 1.5 line spacing; single side A4 paper with numbered pages with line spacing of 1? and justified.
    – Left hand margin of 3cm; Right hand margin 2 cm; Header 2.5 cm and Footer 2 cm
    – A bibliography and referencing (where applicable) is essential
    – Harvard system of referencing
    – A minimum of 10 referenced academic sources is required.
    – No more than 50% of references may be from the internet.
    – All supporting material should be included in ONE SINGLE file.

    Assignment Detail

    1. The theory:
    Use one or more theories to support your standpoint. The theories used should be applied to practical situations.

    2. The structure:
    Flexible. You can describe the theory you intend to use to support your standpoint, and then use practical situations to reinforce your work. There is no fix order to structure this assignment.

    3. The link between theory and cases:
    Remember to relate the two together sufficiently! You need to relate the theory to evidence in your assessment. The evidence needs to be specific. Don?t use generalised and anecdotal evidence.

    4. Use of literature:
    Use academic source, i.e. books, journal articles etc. A minimum of 10 referenced academic sources is required. Do not over use Internet sources (50% maximum). Academic journals can be good resources of industrial cases which may give you some good ideas about the situations. You are required to have proper in-text reference and the reference list in the end using the Harvard Referencing System.

    5. The writing:
    Try to approach this assignment in a logical and systematic way. Produce a plan of the report before you start. Make sure you have a logical structure, a convincing argument, clear description of the situations which ?set the scene?, and clear explanation which relate to theories, and a conclusion that draws your argument together.
    chose any company.

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