THE TALK ” by Gary Soto

    THE TALK ” by Gary Soto
    Paper instructions:
    Find a recent article on line from a reputable news source that links to one piece of literature from the week in a meaningful way.
    Write a short introduction paragraph outlining the connection, the necessary information and your thesis statement(your argument ,in a sentence, how these two relate and why it matters )
    Write an 8-10 sentence paragraph summarizing the article in your own words. Somewhere in there, use one”direct quote”. Be sure to properly cite this quote and be sure to give credibility to your author.
    In your third and final paragraph, connect the article to the literature you’ve chosen. Do this by focusing on specific aspects of the literature,not the whole. Somewhere in there, use one”direct quote” from the literature. Be sure to properly cite this quote. Wrap up your connection and thesis in one or two good concluding sentences.
    Create a works cited page for your two sources.
    USE “THE TALK ” by Gary Soto. That’s what we read first, and the news source. ” UGLY YOU MAY HAVE A CASE” New York Times. August 27,2011 , by Daniel S . Hammermesh. Use whatever time on it that u finish.


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