The Stanford Prison Experiment

    In “The Stanford Prison Experiment,” (CC 711) psychology professor Philip Zimbardo describes a mock prison system he set up using college students as both prisoners and jailers in order to determine to what extent individuals assume the roles to which they are assigned. Gather at least three reliable sources from the Stratton Taylor Library concerning the Abu Ghraib prison scandal reported in 2004, and compare those events to the experiment. In an essay, take a clear stand on whether or not you believe Zimbardo’s famous experiment and conclusions about human nature are relevant to the events that took place at Abu Ghraib.

    Develop your essay with an introduction that both introduces and draws attention to your thesis. Your introduction should be at least five sentences long. Remember to introduce the subject, obedience to authority.
    Thesis Statement
    The last statement of your introduction must be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement must express the main idea of this essay. (Hint: When I read your thesis, it should be clear which option you have chosen.)
    Body Paragraphs
    Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that relates to and develops your thesis. Your topic sentences must make a strong claim that reflects support for your thesis. Each body paragraph should contain seven to thirteen sentences, and your essay should contain at least three body paragraphs.
    The conclusion summarizes the point of the essay and brings it to a logical and appropriate end. The conclusion contains your last words on the subject, a final thought or a question for the reader to consider. Conclusions do not present new information. Your conclusion should be at least four sentences long. Your conclusion should never be a verbatim restatement of your thesis statement.
    I will grade your essay on the following:
    • Is the essay structured correctly? (introduction, body, conclusion)
    • Is there a thesis statement? Is it the last sentence of the introduction?
    • Are there topic sentences that elaborate upon the thesis statement?
    • Is there support for each topic sentence, and is this support on track with the topic
    sentence that it intends to support?
    • Do you keep in mind who the audience is, what it knows about the subject, and what will
    make the essay interesting to the audience?
    • Is the support well-developed? Does the support digress at any point?
    • Are all sources documented internally with imbedded references?
    • Are all sources documented externally on a works cited page?
    • Is the essay coherent? Unified? Does it flow smoothly and use transitions?
    • Is there a minimum of mechanical and grammatical errors?
    • Is the essay formatted according to MLA requirements?
    • Does the essay fulfill the parameters of the research option chosen?
    • Does the essay use information from at least four sources, three of which come from the
    Stratton Taylor Library?
    • Does the essay use information from one of the articles identified in the options?
    • Be sure to do the following:
    • Use the MLA research paper format without title page.
    • Provide explicit thesis and topic sentences.
    • Use no fewer than four sources.
    • Use information from one of the identified in the options
    • Include a works cited page.
    • Include a minimum of four full pages but no more than five*, having one-inch margins, and
    using 12-point Times New Roman typeface. *NOTE: This does not include the works cited page.
    While you may have more than the following (review guidelines for summary, paraphrase, and quotations), your paper must include the following minimums:
    • One direct quotation introduced with a colon.
    • An integrated quote for each of the four sources.
    • No block quotations (quotes longer than four lines).
    • One paraphrase (Highlight the paraphrase in your paper and include the original quote that
    you are paraphrasing on a page that is attached to your essay but is not a part of your essay. This page should come after your works cited page, and it should be labeled as original quote for the highlighted paraphrase.)

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