The Social Media Reader – Michael Mandiberg

    This is a very simple paper. please follow the exact instructions and steps! this is not an essay, its much more simple, don’t write an introduction or a conclusion and don’t even use essay format. also don’t use any other resources than the 2 books that I will write down.
    the paper is basically answering a list of questions from the 2 books. just write the question number and the answer next to it (not essay format) you must be very very very specific and to the point because it’s an exam and the professor wants it to be specific and answers the questions immediately without any other information not related to the answer.
    Paper format: list the number of the question – then type the answer next to it! Be direct and to the point and only use the given references (the 2 books ONLY) don’t use any other reference
    the books you will be using: (only these 2! Not any other refrence)
    1) A First Look at Communication Theory – Em Griffin (8th edition) must be the same edition. I will refer to this book as (EM)
    2) The Social Media Reader – Michael Mandiberg. I will refer to this book as (MM)
    Here are the questions and where you will find the answers to them:
    Part one: (Must be 2 pages long)
    1. Ch. 3 in The Social Media Reader (MM) discusses the relationship between open source and culture.
    2. Ch. 4 in The Social Media Reader (MM) examines design patterns and business models underpinning the Web 2.0. Ch. 8 in The Social Media Reader (MM) subjects to scrutiny the politics of transgression and spectacle on the Internet, especially the Web 2.0 and its social media platforms.
    (a) Discuss how we can understand communicative behaviors and practices on the social media platforms by examining the power of copyrights and alternative licenses (Ch. 3) that constrain or enable collaborative web-based platforms (Ch. 4) and influence a subculture of computer hackers (Ch. 8) that challenges the “official” rules of the Web.
    (b) What do Communication Privacy Management Theory (EG, Ch. 13) and Cultural Studies (EG, Ch. 27) have to say about collaborative web-based platforms and a subculture of computer hackers? (
    c) What do Social Information Processing Theory (EG, Ch. 11) and Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making (EG, Ch. 18) have to say about collaborative web-based platforms and a subculture of computer hackers?
    (d) What do Relational Dialectics Theory (EG, Ch. 12) and Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations (EG, Ch. 21) have to say about collaborative web-based platforms and a subculture of computer hackers?
    Part two: (must be 2 pages long)
    1. Ch. 9 in The Social Media Reader (MM) examines the language of the Internet memes?
    (a) What are the Internet memes? Provide a few relevant examples.
    (b) What do Dramatism (EG, Ch. 23) and Narrative Paradigm (EG, Ch. 24) have to say about the language of the Internet memes?

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