The Significance of the Structural System Engaged at the Pantheon Custom Essay

    – The main focus of this paper is the structural system employed at the Pantheon; however, adding a good discussion about building this structure in a curvilinear architectural form would be greatly appreciated.

    – Please must have a Graphic Section at the end- All pictures must be of excellent quality (Specified after these directions)
    Graphic sources may include, but are not limited to: books, magazine articles, drawings, photographs, and/or downloaded from the Internet. The following information should be included with the images:
    a. Name of the source (i.e. name of magazine, title of book, or Internet address);
    b. Name of the publisher (when appropriate);
    c. Name of the author of the article where your pictures appear(when applicable);
    d. Year and edition (or year and volume if you are using magazines);
    e. Call number (if it is a library item);
    f. Name of the building, architect, location, and year of construction.

    -Professor’s directions for picture formatting:
    a. Attach or paste picture of building.
    b. Click picture and go to Format.
    c. Click Compress Pictures: Change resolution to ‘Web Screen’ [96 dpi] and make sure to apply to ‘All’.
    d. If you are using different software than MS Word, please follow its own instructions available under ‘Help’ but only use pictures of the format: .jpg, .tiff, and .bmp .

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