The Roving Pharmacy

    Before you begin to write this paper with the following guidelines you have to read the document that I have uploaded under the name of The Roving Pharmacy because without it you will not be able to do this assignment. There’re 6 parts in that document and now I have to continue it with the following four parts. These four should be consistence with that document. See the format in that document I want it to be the same. For example, each question must be answered and each letter must have it own paragraph. Don’t combine two letters together.

    Before you begin to write this paper with the following guidelines you have to read the document that I have uploaded under the name of The Roving Pharmacy because without it you will not be able to do this assignment. There’re 6 parts in that document and now I have to continue it with the following four parts. These four should be consistence with that document. See the format in that document I want it to be the same. For example, each question must be answered and each letter must have it own paragraph. Don’t combine two letters together.

    NO CITATIONS PLEASE in the body of your document. Speak from your own words; and edit your report. Grading of the Final will take into account proper editing, non-use of rhetoric and or plagiarized material in the document.
    Before you begin to write this paper with the following guidelines you have to read the document that I have uploaded under the name of The Roving Pharmacy because without it you will not be able to do this assignment. There’re 6 parts in that document and now I have to continue it with the following four parts. These four should be consistence with that document. See the format in that document I want it to be the same. For example, each question must be answered and each letter must have it own paragraph. Don’t combine two letters together.
    1. Operations Plan (Your operations plan is directly tied to your company objectives and how those objectives will be monetized). Your Operations Plan must cover a 6-Month time period. Please refer to the document that I have worked on. The operations plan should be consistence with what I have written in that document as I mentioned above.

    a. Restate the key business objectives that will be financed from your operations budget.
    b. Provide a more detailed description of your products and services. Include a discussion on the volume of customers you expect; how much product or services do you plan to sell; and for what prices.
    c. What departments will your business require to operate effectively? What is the organization structure (describe the hierarchy of leadership/management and departments). Is your business “brick and mortar” or virtual or both?
    d. Production and Procurement – How will goods and services be obtained/developed? What is the plan for the delivery of your products or services? Will you produce your own products or will you purchase them from wholesalers? Will you provide your own services or will services be contracted from outside sources?
    e. What are your hours of operation? “ We want to operate 24 hours”
    f. Staffing and positions held.
    2. Marketing Strategies (Keys) “ EVERYTHIGN SHOULD BE EXPLAINED IN DETALIS”
    a. Provide research on the market need that your product or service is filling.
    b. Describe how your products or services have the ability to attract customers/clients
    c. Identify your specific target audience and their needs.
    d. Identify how you will have the best access to this target audience.
    e. Identify the marketing strategies that you will use and why (marketing is described as getting your product or service in front of the customer/client). Some ideas are: Internet, media, website, word of mouth, advertising, etc. ( please say that we’re going to have a television advertisement for 20 second)
    f. Identify how your strategies will keep a sustained customer/client base.
    g. Describe your marketing timetable.

    a. What is your businesses’ code of ethics?
    b. Give specific examples of how your code of ethics will be reflected in everyday activities.
    c. How will your business be socially responsible for the external community and/or environment? “ Write about that we will ask our customers to give us back the medication bottles because we plan to recycle bottles of medication and in return customers will get discount on their next delivery service”

    4. Typical Business Scenario – Using specific and clear answers, p “day-by-day” example of how your business will be conducted during a typical business week. Refer to:
    a. Talk about how your product/services will be made available to customers.
    b. “Point of Sale” Customer Interaction. Who is your typical customer? Talk about how and when customers will access your product and services.
    c. Talk about what departments will be involved in serving the customer and the accesses your products/services and engages your business.

    This is basically for b ) For the typical business scenario “ I want you to imagine the process and write it. It should be clear and each step must be written for example you start with that
    Noura is not feeling well at work. She decided to go to the hospital. She went there and saw the doctor. the doctor examined her and he said to her that she’s having “ whatever is “ then he wrote a “ whatever the medicine is “ for her. Then she saw a flyer about the roving pharmacy. She looked at it and asked the doctor about that service. He explained to her that service and asked her if she want to have that service. Then noura said yes. He started to fill her information “ name, address, mobile number and if she has a bupa insurance . if she has a bupa insurance he’s going to put a note to her order saying that she has an insurance. Then he sent that to the roving pharmacy office. NOW THE roving pharmacy will first approve her prescription online through the system between the roving and bupa. The office will send the order to the operation department. Then the operation will check the order and prepare the medicine and send it to the delivery department and then deliver it to the patient desired location.
    Mention that the delivery won’t take more than 24 hours and minimum is 3 hours .

    ****Be creative, imagine the scenario and state everything clearly and in details.

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