the role of the mass media in promoting a thin standard of bodily attractiveness for women.

    the role of the mass media in promoting a thin standard of bodily attractiveness for women.

    In your first essay, you wrote about an issue from multiple perspectives. In the second essay, you analyzed how a source can sometimes manipulate an audience based on it’s appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos. In this third essay, you’re combining the two skills learned in those essays.
    Begin by choosing an issue and research question you would like to explore. Remember how Chapter 4 guided you through choosing issues and forming issue-based questions. Once you know what you want to explore, write that research question in the Dibs List (by clicking on the Learning Units tab). Be sure you read everyone else’s issue for this third paper prior to embarking on your own. There shouldn’t be two of the same.

    Once you have chosen your issue, write an essay in which you analyze how this issue is portrayed in media. For this assignment, media includes anything from television to radio, theater, art, Internet, social media, billboards, magazines, and any other form of interactive media. Throughout the essay, draw conclusions about the effects those media portrayals might have on part of our culture (note this is similar to what you did in Essay 2). Here’s my example: I have an interest in how teacher unions impact the professionalism of the teaching field. In order to help me answer this question, I’m going to write an essay just analyzing how teacher unions are portrayed in our culture and media. I would first start with how various media have been covering the Chicago teacher union strikes. I would also try to find teacher union websites and social media sites. On the databases, I might try to find how a variety of people feel toward teacher unions. This last part would help me gauge this issue’s impact on our culture. There are a variety of other directions I could go with this, as well.

    Note that you are not asked to offer a solution or proposal. The assignment is asking you to analyze how this issue of yours is portrayed in our media. It also asks you to draw conclusions about how those portrayals impact parts of our culture. You’re doing both of these things at the same time.
    •Audience: Your audience is any English 102 student in the U.S. Assume your reader has graduated from high school and is pursuing higher education. What are the other things do you know about that reader?
    •Sources: Use a minimum of six secondary sources from one of the academic databases online. You will most likely have other sources (websites, TV episodes, etc.). Be sure you know how to correctly site these in MLA style.

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