The Road by Cormac Mccarthy

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    The Road by Cormac Mccarthy

    Write about how the father evolves throughout the novel. After the catastrophic event, the father does anything for his son.

    Thesis: Through the use of vivid imagery and symbolism, Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, depicts Earth as a desolate world. However, most overlooked is the fact that after a catastrophic event in which humans lose their social rules and standards, it does not take long to return to a primitive state.

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    Matthew Fernandez

    Period 4


    The Road Research Paper Outline

    I. Opening Paragraph

    a. Through the use of vivid imagery and symbolism, Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, depicts Earth as a desolate world. However, most overlooked is the fact that after a catastrophic event in which humans lose their social rules and standards, it does not take long to return to a primitive state.

    a. NC. 42

    2. Characteristics of this new world?

    a. Ash, Cold, Dark

    1. NC. 1

    3. Who are the characters?

    a. Father and Son

    II. Themes

    a. Violence

    1. The two main characters battle life and death obstacles throughout the novel; when a thug (“bad guy”) tries to kidnap the son, the father kills the man.

    2. This is the main point of my paper.

    3. Because of the events that have happened in the book, men are forced to be violent, steal, and to be cannibals.

    a. NC. 9, 10, 17

    b. Father and Son Bonding

    1. Although, there is much violence, there is love between the Father and the Son.

    2. The Father will do anything for the Son.

    a. NC. 16, 18, 20, 19

    c. Good vs. Evil

    1. McCarthy uses vivid images of earth to show the darkness of the world.

    2. There are “Good guys and Bad guys”.

    3. Being good in the novel means you do not prey on those who are weaker than you.

    4. Good dreams are mirages in the novel, drawing the characters away from their harsh reality. Nightmares reflect the terror they face daily.

    a. NC. 8, 15, 32-34, 35, 36, 37

    d. Spiritual Reference

    1. The Father in the novel is constantly questioning Gods existence in this world.

    2. The Father believes his son is Gods product.

    3. Because of the traumatic events that happened, the Father thinks that God has abandoned them.

    a. NC. 4, 6, 7, 11, 28-30, 32, 40 

    e. The Past vs. the present

    1. A feeling of nostalgia when talking about the past.

    2. Remembering the Past and its only good memories. When talking about the present, it only brings to mind bad things.

    3. Remembering the past reminds the Father that it doesn’t exist. The past causes him to lose focus on the present.

    a. NC. 3, 5, 12, 24-27

    f. Strength

    1. The father and son show the prevalence of humans through their physical and metal strength.

    2. Being able to adapt to your surrounds allows the Father and Son to have strength.

    3. The Father is stronger because he is protecting his son.

    a. NC. 13, 21, 22, 23, 38

    III. The Quest

    1. The Father and Son are walking through burned America. Their destination is the coast. They don’t know what is or who is at the coast.

    2. The journey throughout the book is very important. From beginning to end we see the Father and Son continue their journey not sure where they are headed.

    a. NC. 14, 39, 41

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