the rise of the European state and types of the modern state.

    the rise of the European state and types of the modern state.

    Topic: Political scientists engage in long discussions on the rise of the European state and types of the modern state. Please analyze the differences between the strong, weak and democratic states, based on an institutional analysis. Is the state entering a
    this is a take home exam essay.the chapters in books I’m supposed to read and use are: 1)Gardner,Robert,Peter Ferdinand and Stefanie Lawson. 2009.” Introduction to politics” 2) Shively, Philips W.2005 “Power and choice : An introduction to political science 9 ed.
    topic again:
    1 Political scientists engage in long discussions on the rise of the European state and types of the modern state. Please analyze the differences between the strong, weak and democratic states, based on an institutional analysis. Is the state entering a period of decline according to your observations? Can you identify any states in the international community that may be considered just too weak to continue demanding recognition – one of the major criteria for the existence of such structure?
    Please define the concept of the state and its major features. Then, interpret the existence of such concept based on major ideologies of the 19th and 20th century. Finally, illustrate the main types of state structure and which one is according to your opinion the best possible one.




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