The Right to Strike and Negotiation Styles

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    Written Response Questions:

    1) The right to strike is one of the rights made available to employees expressly provided by the National Labor Relations Act. Do you believe that striking against a company is a good way to promote collective bargaining? Why or why not?

    2) Explain the different styles used by negotiators, which do you think is the most effective? Why?

    3) Distinguish among mandatory, permissive, and illegal bargaining subjects. Give examples of each.

    4) Do you think negotiations in the public sector are more or less challenging than negotiations in the private sector? Why?

    •Unless otherwise indicated, there is a 200 word minimum response required for each written response.
    •Credible reference materials, including your course textbook(s), may be used to complete the assessment (cannot use wikipedia, ehow, etc.)  
      ◦If you have questions regarding the credibility of your reference, please contact your professor.
    •APA Information
      ◦In-text and reference citations are required for all 4 written responses.  

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