The relationships between life events and depression, anxiety and /or stress.

    1.2000 words (+10%) including abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, in-text citations, and subheadings but excluding reference list, figures, figure legends, tables and table headings. The abstract is included in the overall limit but also has a separate word limit of 200 words.

    2.The report is to include a title page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and references. The title page should include the title of the report, your name and student number, your tutor, and word count. Standard scientific report in APA formatting is required as detailed in: Findlay, B. (2014). How to write psychology research reports and essays (7th ed.). Melbourne, Australia:  Pearson

    3. my first hypothesis is ‘Stressors in life events has long term psychological impact associate with depression in women than in men.’ and second hypothesis is ‘Daily hassles has an impact in physical and mental health associate with stress in women than in men.’

    4. I’ve also attached SPSS output that i’ve done based on my hypothesis

    5. I’ve also attached 2 previous lab report that i’ve done, please have a look at the format and also some of the feedback from tutor


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