The Purge: Anarchy

    The movie The Purge: Anarchy illustrates several key criminal justice and the social structure concepts and themes. You are to choose one theme or concept (e.g., racial discrimination, gender discrimination) and discuss how it is illustrated in the movie. You must also discuss how this is indicative of the current American culture and provide support with academic sources. Your paper should not just be a synopsis of the movie. You may bring in examples, but the meat of your paper should discuss the social issue.

    • Is 3-4 pages in length
    • Incorporates at least 3 academic sources (Wikipedia and other such websites are not permitted)
    • Is typed in a word document and submitted via Blackboard Learn on the due dates
    • Has 1-inch margins, is double spaced, and uses 12-point font (Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri)
    • Does not use first person (e.g., I, me); doing so will result in a loss of 5 points automatically from your
    paper grade
    • Follows American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for in-text and reference citations.

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