“The public have accepted the use of biometric security systems (in banking and government ID cards, for example) using biometric data such as fingerprint scanners, iris scanners and facial recognition systems. However, use of DNA as a biometric identi

    “The public have accepted the use of biometric security systems (in banking and government ID cards, for example) using biometric data such as fingerprint scanners, iris scanners and facial recognition systems. However, use of DNA as a biometric identifier for businesses or governments will not be accepted by the public due to its use in police investigations and identifying genetically-inherited diseases.”

    Using existing literature and data, critically evaluate this claim in relation to Privacy

    The essay criteria:
    What you will be assessed on:
    1. Establishing a clear purpose or thesis statement of your essay
    2. Developing a line of argument, expanding and supporting the arguments with reasons and relevant examples
    3. Identifying and evaluating counter arguments, opinions or solutions
    4. Writing in an evaluative rather than descriptive manner
    5. The extent and depth of your research of independently found sources
    6. Incorporating others’ work effectively by quoting, summarizing and paraphrasing viewpoints and using in-text citations accurately
    7. Compiling a complete, accurate, consistently referenced bibliography (standard Harvard system) at the end of your essay.
    8. The clarity of expression used in your writing, especially register and style.

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