The Problem of Representation

    it should consist of two sections. 1) Exposition – What does the author say? What are the key ideas of the theorist and how is it presented? 2) Analysis – Bring to bear not only your opinions but please try to compare and contrast with previous readings. When there are many readings, you can be selective and focus on key readings.

    here is the readings of this week ::

    Dillon, pp. 77-114
    Calhoun et al, pp. 193-264
    Discussion of Mauss, The Gift. Find information on line.

    here are the previous readings

    Contemporary Weberian Analyses : Halley, Jeffrey A., “Cultural Resistance to Rationalization: A Study of an Art Avant-Garde, “H. Etzkowitz and R. Glassman, eds., The Renascence of Sociological Theory: Traditional Perspectives and New Directions (Itasca, Ill.: Peacock Publishers, 227 244, 1991). Halley, Jeffrey A., Valdez, Avelardo, and Nava, Steve, “Resistance to the Bureaucratization of Culture: Lessons from the Chicano Arts Scene,” Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, “Arts Culture, and Policy: Prospects for the Twenty-First Century,” 31(2): 198-211, Fall, 2001. [Reference the sections that deal with rationalization and resistance.] Assignment- find something by George Ritzer on the subject on line and read (MacDonaldization, something/nothing, secondary sources ok). Optional: Find information on line about Robert Bellah’s Tokugawa Religion. Focus on his Weberian theory. Here is the previous readings subjects to look at over them and make connection between the reading of this week and the previous readings subjects: 1) The context and emergence of sociological theory. Dillon, pp. xvi-30 Inglis, pp. 1-37. Discussion of Hegel. Calhoun et al. Rousseau, “Of the Social Contract, pp. 38-49; Kant, “What is Enlightenment?” pp. 50-54; Alexander, in Lemert, “Post-positivist case for the classics,” p. 503-506. 2) The Problem of Ideology: Karl Marx Dillon, pp. 31-76 Calhoun et al, pp. 133-192 (The German Ideology. Marx, “preface” to The Critique of Political Economy). Marx, “Camera Obscura,” in Lemert, pp. 38-39. 3) Contemporary Marxist Theory Gramsci, in Inglis, pp 80-84 Gramsci, in Lemert, pp. 263-265 Althusser, “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,”in Lemert, pp. 320-324 Zizek, in Lemert, pp. 668-671 Harvey, “The City in a Globalizing World,” in Lemert, 615-20 4) Max Weber and the Problem of Rationalization Dillon, pp. 115-152 all the previous readings were from those books: Dillon, Michele. 2010. Introduction to Sociological Theory: Theorists, Concepts, and Their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781405170024 Inglis, David (with Christopher Thorpe). 2012. An Invitation to Social Theory. Malden, MA: Polity. ISBN: 9780745642093 Calhoun, Craig, Joseph Gerteis, James Moody, Steven Pfaff, and Indermohan Virk (eds.). 2012. Classical Sociological Theory, 3rd edition. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9780470655672 Lemert, Charles. 2009. Social Theory, 4th edition. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. ISBN:9780813343921. * the paper should be in ASA style please

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