The primary sources of the Texas Populist Party Platform


    this is the name of the book that called america’s history seventh edition james henretta. read just from page 625 to 636.

    1. How does the author’s race, gender, or economic status compare with the subject of the source?
    2. State if the author is a credible source.
    3. Cite your sources!
    4. Section II: Identifying the purpose.
    a. Begin this section with the sentence, “The purpose of this document is…” Explain what the purpose of the source is. The purpose should be tied to the type of document it is (letter, diary, report, etc.)
    b. Explain who its intended audience may be.
    c. Cite your sources!
    5. Section III: What can be learned.
    a. Give examples or details explaining what can be learned from this source. This section should be an entire paragraph long (with a minimum of 3 sentences, usually more).
    b. One example must include a direct quotation. Both summaries and the direct quote must be cited!
    6. Section IV: Bias
    a. What unspoken assumptions are being made in the source?
    b. What detectable biases, perspectives, or points of view are there in the source?
    c. Is the bias desirable and good or does it significantly limit the primary source?
    d. If it significantly limits the source, how can a historian overcome this bias? What else can the historian examine? What context needs to be taken into consideration?
    e. Does the textbook give any insight into what really happened?


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