The Presidential Campaign (Economic Plans)

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    The Presidential Campaign (Economic Plans)

    Paper instructions:
    The paper is to be 750-800 words in length, typewritten and double-spaced.
    The paper must be fully supported by proper citations in APA Format.
    My suggestion is a minimum of four properly used and documented resources from your research that support your argument and that add meaningful information to your paper.
    The paper must contain a reference section listing the sources which you used in the course of your research.
    It is your responsibility to proof-read the paper prior to handing it in. Poor grammar and punctuation will hurt your grade. A good idea is to ask someone else to read it because they will likely catch most of the errors that you overlook.
    Keep in mind that when writing your paper, it is permissible to quote from outside sources. However, be sure that you give credit where credit is due by footnoting direct quotes. Don’t claim work as your own. Failure to use citations when appropriate will cause you to lose all credit for the paper

    (This is the outline I came up with but I am flexible!)

    1. Compare and contrast the economic proposals of two of the presidential candidates.
    .State of economy being important.
    .Obama’s economic plans
    .Mitt Romney Economic plans
    2.Whom do you feel has the better plan?
    .Obama’s economic plan was best.
    .Getting super rich contribute more.
    .creation of of better healthcare system.
    Wrapping up my research paper.

    My instructor stated “Jerome Solid topic, good job in getting it organized. I am looking forward to reading this once you have it finished. What you have here could be more focused and you will want to try to draw a connection between the two plans the the success of the candidattes.”

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