the possibilities and difficulties of bringing about strategic changes within organisations

    the possibilities and difficulties of bringing about strategic changes within organisations

    • Using Johnson’s (1992) web of culture, identify in your organization the key paradigmatic areas of resistance to change. You don’t need to outline all aspects of the web. Focus on key ones and use real examples where possible.
    This week change was examined from a strategic context. Specifically, the possibilities and difficulties of bringing about strategic changes within organisations were examined.
    To prepare for this discussion, review Johnson’s (1992) web of culture and consider how it relates to your own organization.
    With these thoughts in mind, in a 750 – 1000 word response, post your answers to the following questions to the Discussion Board by Saturday:
    • Using Johnson’s (1992) web of culture, identify in your organization the key paradigmatic areas of resistance to change. You don’t need to outline all aspects of the web. Focus on key ones and use real examples where possible.
    • In your follow-on response, in the follow up discussion, focus on ways of ‘overcoming’ such resistances to change, particularly focusing on Weick and Quinn’s (1999) summary of episodic and continuous change. Please also bear in mind (see Teece et al. 1997) that routines hang together. For instance, a radical change approach in which a manager enforces new work patterns may invoke disillusionment with workers, lead to more resistance, or the loss of key members of staff. Similarly, if adjustment is too slow, the organization’s strategic gap may widen.
    Your follow-on response should provide evidence that you have critically reflected on the material by questioning assumptions, revealing new personal insights, and probing and/or posing questions for further investigation.


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