The political economy of the environment

    The 3’s
    i. Stipulate: After you have done the readings think about it and try to find an interesting subject that all readings covers. Stipulate the theme that is most relevant.
    ii. Summarize: Look at these articles and summarize the different arguments made to this theme. A holistic summary that draws upon each reading.
    iii. Situate: Situate the theme of the articles to the subject of the course. Your opinion is unimportant. Show that you understand the article.

    – B&V Chapter 20. The environment: The green side of IPE
    – “Executive Summary.” Stern Review: The economics of climate change. (London: Chancellor of the exchequer, 2006.) pp. i-xxvii
    – John Browne, “Beyond Kyoto,” Foreign Affairs 83:4 (Jul/Aug 2004)
    — The economist, “Climate Change: Can china clean up fast enough?” and “China and the environment: The East is Grey,” August 10,2013 pp.9, 18-21

    We have studied thus far Classical liberalism and liberal interventionism, The tension between states and markets, Realist theories, Structural theories of IPE, Monetary relations, Debt and financial crisis, Trade relations, Globalization & Multi-National Corporations, International Development, and now energy markets and the environment.

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