The Policy you are Analyzing

    The Policy you are Analyzing

    Paragraph 1: What are the stated or overt objectives of the policy?
    Paragraph 2: What do you believe based on your analysis are any unstated or covert objectives of the policy?
    Paragraph 1: Who is the direct target of this policy, meaning who will it most affect? Do members of the direct target population come from any specific demographic groups?
    Paragraph 2: Will this policy help people from some groups while it hurts people from other groups? Who are the indirect targets of the policy?
    Paragraph 2: Who opposes the policy?
    Paragraph 1: What are possible unintended consequences of the policy?
    Paragraph 2: Can you think of things that might happen because of this policy that were not what the primary drafters of the Proposition intended?
    Paragraph 1: Will there be any changes in the distribution of material resources, services &/or rights as a result of this policy for either the direct or indirect target groups?
    Paragraph 2: What social justice issues does this policy address? Does the policy help or hinder a social justice agenda?

    Section 5 – Alternative Policies
    Paragraph 1: What alternative policy would address the social problem discussed in the policy analysis more effectively while advancing Paragraph 2: Why do you believe this?
    Paragraph 1: What ethical dilemmas does the alternative policy raise for you as a professional social worker?
    paragraph 2: What are your conclusions about this analysis & implications for you?



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