The Passenger: As with Bergman’s Persona, Antonioni’s film is concerned with the nature of identity in the modern world.

    The Passenger: As with Bergman’s Persona, Antonioni’s film is concerned with the nature of identity in the modern world. In what ways is it similar or different? What does it reveal about identity that Bergman may not have?


    Taxi Driver: One of the last shots in the film is an aerial shot of Travis Bickle lying in a pool of his own blood. The shot tracks across the crime scene and has been interpreted as representative of Bickle’s soul leaving his body. What does this suggest about the meaning of our character? Is he redeemed by his actions? Is he, like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, a good person simply because he has performed a service to society?

    Pulp Fiction: It is easy to see the ramped up testosterone in Tarantino’s film and read it is as a process of hypermasculization to reclaim control on a feminizing culture. However, what do the women in the film say about femininity? Is there a positive model of women in the film?

    No Country for Old Men: What is the meaning of Llewellyn’s death, especially considering that Chigur gets away?

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