The Origin of Modern Archaeology

    What was ‘Biblical archaeology’ and how did it affect the development of early archaeology?
    1. Greene, K. & T. Moore. 2010. The Idea of the Past [Pt. 2]. Archaeology: An Introduction. 5th Edn. Oxford & New York. pp. 21-49.
    2. Diaz-Andreu, M. 2007. Biblical Archaeology. A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism and the Past. Oxford. pp. 131-66
    3. Maisels, C.K. 1993. Digging before Excavation. The Near East: Archaeology in the ‘Cradle of Civilization.’ New York. pp. 26-43.
    Online resources for nineteenth-century archaeology:
    • The Rediscovery of Assyria (Metropolitan Museum)
    • Archaeology and Imperialism (In Our Time, BBC Radio 4)

    Please write about those topics include them in the eassay

    (Early Archeology History )
    * St.Helena (First person who did the archeology in a religious way )

    *what’s biblical arachnology

    • Before the British Mandent :The first archaeological explorations started in the 19th century initially by Europeans.

    *famous sites (Jericho )
    Qumran: For many, this is the site of perhaps one of the most important finds of all time. It is composed of the Kiryit or ruins of a monastery pertaining to the Essenes, caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, the monk’s cemetery and many other elements that have changed the history of biblical studies.

    *famous archeologist : *Kathleen Kenyon

    * Biblical archaeology today
    *British Museums
    *Kathleen Kenyon

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