the organizing function of management

    Learning Outcomes:
    •    Demonstrate effective organizing skills and a thorough understanding of the organizing function of management.
    •    Make decisions following the major components of the decision-making process.
    •    Ensure accomplishment of organizational goals by exercising effective control skills.
    •    Appreciate some practical consideration in organizational management.
    •    Understand some of the basic management theories in relation to motivation, adaptation, authority, and supervision

    You are requested to answer each question separately as each question carries a part of the mark.
    Each Question has a number, please mention the QUESTION NUMBER at the top of the answering page. Start a new page for each question.

    Base your answers on the materials we studied during the course. Although creative solutions will grant you higher marks. Try to balance between the theory and innovative solutions to guarantee maximum marks.

    Correct professional English will be considered in the final mark.
    If you use references, it is a must to include them at the end of the assignment. It is encouraged to read some additional articles about: Staff motivation, delegation, Job Promotion, Time Management. Extra reading will contribute to your knowledge and hence you will produce better structured and augmented answers.

    Case Study 3
    Ms. Aisha has recently joined Falcon Hospital as the Assistant Manager of the Medical Records Department. She is a recent graduate with Information Technology (IT) Bachelor background.
    She has continuous pressure with the increased work load of patients seen daily in Falcon Hospital.

    On Tuesday she had a long list to do:
    At 8am she started her day with a meeting with her supervisor, Ms. Angela who asked her to prepare a report about the activity of the department during the last month to present to the Board the following Monday. She also asked her to start the annual statistics project and to assign one staff to help her. The project was due in one month but there was lot of work to be done in this project.

    After the meeting, Aisha headed to the internal medicine department where she was called for an emergency meeting with the head of that department. The files were late for the second day in-a-row and the doctors were upset. They complained to the head of their department who in turn called Aisha for that meeting.

    A few minutes after returning to her office, she got a phone call from the purchase manager, Mr. Sunil, who was returning her call regarding an urgent order of patient paper files. The files were out of stock and she had to order them on urgent basis. Mr. Sunil was not able to secure the files that she ordered before two days.

    Just after she hung up the phone, one of the transcriptionists, Ms. Flor came in wanting to ask for leave next week to take her child for vaccinations. Ms. Aisha started to look for the duty-rota schedule for the next week but could not find it. She went to Ms. Angela’s office to ask for a copy.

    While she was there, Ms. Angela introduced her to Mr. Arafat the new IT Manager. Knowing that she is an IT graduate, they started to talk about the best systems that can help the hospital. After around 20 minutes, she returned back to the office without the duty-rota schedule. Flor was already gone.

    It was already 1pm when Aisha received a call from her friend in the patient services who joined the hospital with her, Ms. Awatef. She was having her break and wanted to see how Aisha is doing. The call was a good break for Aisha to complain about how difficult things are to handle. They spent the next 30 minutes on the phone exchanging their experiences about people and processes. Aisha then started to review the returned patient files with the transcriptionists and the coders. As part of her daily routine, she should monitor how many files are not complete and send them back to the doctors for clarification. This is a lengthy task but has to be done on daily basis. At 4pm she remembered that the weekly department meeting is tomorrow at 8a.m and she totally forgot to prepare the agenda and send it to Ms. Angela to approve it then circulate it to the department.

    Questions Case Study 3

    1.    Formulate a Priority Matrix for Aisha’s tasks for Tuesday (Important/Urgent)

    2.    What do you think about Aisha’s time management skills?

    3.    How can she improve her usage of time to maximize her output in the limits of her duty timing?
    (5 Marks)

    Case Study 4

    Ms. Awatef, joined Falcon Hospital on the same day Ms. Aisha joined. She was assigned as the Deputy Patient Services Manager. She was assigned to monitor the day to day operation for the morning shift. She deals with all sorts of patients’ requests and complaints. Her goal is to facilitate the patients’ visit when needed and to solve any arising problems that they may face during their visit.

    On Tuesday, she was called to the Pediatric Department at around 10am by the receptionist. When she arrived she found a mother and father shouting at the receptionist because they were waiting for more than an hour with their feverish child, without being seen by a doctor. When she investigated the matter, she found that there was only one pediatrician on duty because the other one called in sick early morning.

    The Pediatrician has already seen 5 patients since the morning and he is doing his best to cover for the sick colleague. To make things even worse, the other patients who were also waiting also started to shout and complain about the long waiting time.

    Questions Case Study 4

    1.    What do you think Awatef should do now?

    2.    What could have been done to the patient but was not done?
    3.    What measures should be taken to avoid this from happening again in the future in the Pediatrics or any other department?

    Case Study 5

    Mr. Arafat is the new IT Manager. He has great ideas for improving this vital department. Falcon Hospital, till now is using Hard Patient Files that the doctors have to fill in by hand. Later, the files are collected and sent to the Medical Records department for coding and entry to the computer system.
    Mr. Arafat wants to implement a total IT solution for the whole hospital where everything will be connected by network.
    But he is faced with the previous IT manager, Mr. Ammar who has no intention to support him with his new idea, as it will load the department with extra work… And why change when everything is running perfectly?
    Mr. Ammar, had to step down from the position of IT Manager after Mr. Arafat joined as per management decision due to the higher qualification of Mr. Arafat. The other five IT technicians are also supporting Mr. Ammar’s opinion.

    Questions Case Study 5

    1.    Which side you are supporting? Why?

    2.    Why do you think the IT department of Falcon hospital resisting change?

    3.    What do you think Mr. Arafat should do now?


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