The Operations Plan: Human resources: Plan and cost your people requirements

    The operations plan should build up based on the following outlines
    Human resources: Plan and cost your people requirements. Key managers: What is required, and how do you pay them? Staff: plan for each year, including costs and benefits (what will be offered and how much does it cost?).
    Facilities and equipment plan: Describe and cost your capital assets, such as production lines, office equipment, and buildings. If you plan to have a physical location, include a floor plan if possible. Address your build-out strategy. Are you leasing a location that meets your specs (fairly unusual); if not, include a build-out plan with high-level milestones, dates, and costs. What are your startup timelines? Expansion timelines?
    Technology plan: Describe your company’s IT needs and how much they will cost and how you will implement. Will you have a web presence, and if so, what type of functionality will it include? If you need a particular software program, explain its function. Will you need licenses for each employee? Will you handle your IT requirements with “in-house” or outsource to IT consultants�explain your decision.
    Management Team: Describe the professional experience of your company founders with brief bios. How will founder experience help the company succeed? What management roles will the founders hold? (Examples include President, Director of Operations, Marketing Director, etc.) You may fund salaries for founders if they are performing operational activities, such as an onsite manager, but do not otherwise build in salaries for your team. Your team’s compensation should be in the form of draws or distributions out of profits that do not need to be reinvested into your company.
    Organization chart: An organization chart depicts the company’s structure. How many vice presidents will you have, or how will your company organize its departments? An organizational chart diagram is required for full credit.
    Management team gaps: Investors appreciate a responsible and reasonable plan. In this section, describe areas where your management team is weak or in need of assistance; and how you plan to address those gaps.
    Operations Plan Totals: This section describes how you will run the business. You will demonstrate how you make your product or execute your service. You will describe and cost your facilities. Lastly, you will plan your human capital resources.

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