The module’s name is ( Delivering Value: Networks, Relationships Trade and Entrepreneurship)

    the coursework is about to choose a firm (I chose Etihad airways) which needs to have entered at least

    one emerging market or developing country, and to have formed at least one strategic alliance or been

    engaged in M&A deal-making activity. and develop the portfolio to reflect my learning associated with

    the main topics of the module(module weeks slides are on attachments).

    I have submitted a previous assessment, but unfortunately I failed with bad mark!!(the failed

    coursework including tutor’s comments is on the attachments as pdf and there is another copy as

    word doc). So, I am required for reassess the same coursework with same requirements, here is the

    copy of reassess instructions:

    The requirements for the Reassessment

    BM7104 Ass 002: 60% Coursework, Individual portfolio (due 15 July 2014)

    This should be a minimum of 2700 words in length, excluding references and appendices.

    Below in italics are the original instructions for Assessment 002.
    For this reassessment you are required to produce a fully revised portfolio of six sections plus a final written overview and reflection for the same firm (as your original Ass002). In your Reassessment it is imperative that you address the issues raised in the marker feedback to your original Ass002 submission.

    You will compile a revised portfolio based on one chosen firm, which is engaged in international business.

    Firstly, you will need to select a suitable firm which would be normally from your own country.
    The firm needs to have entered at least one emerging market or developing country, and to have formed at least one strategic alliance or been engaged in M&A deal-making activity.
    You are free to choose any firm meeting the criteria except for Cirque de Soleil, Proctor and Gamble, McDonalds, Tesco, and Apple. The firm of your choice should be agreed with the Module Tutor in Week 7 (24/02/14).

    Secondly, you will need to progressively develop the portfolio to reflect your learning associated with the main topics of the module. In particular, your portfolio should discuss and critically evaluate the firm of your choice in relation to the following six issues:
    1. The firm’s internationalisation strategy
    2. The firm’s entry strategy to one emerging market or one developing country
    3. The negotiation strategies or techniques used by the firm in two different cultural contexts
    4. One example of strategic alliance between the firm and other firm(s)
    One M&A deal-making activity conducted by the firm
    5. The firm’s practice of building business relationships and networking with one of the following:
    a. customers
    b. suppliers
    c. retailers
    d. other firms
    6. Building one scenario for the firm over the next five years

    You will need to address the six issues, each issue as a separate entry and a minimum of 400 and maximum of 600 words per entry.
    Finally, you will need to write a final overview and reflection covering the whole module, including any key topics/aspects not covered in the above six entries, and your learning journey and progress. This final reflective section should be minimum of 300 and maximum of 600 words.

    Please note: to pass this Ass002 assessment you need to submit a portfolio containing six entries plus the final reflection i.e. seven entries in total. All will be assessed.

    Markers will apply the following assessment criteria, which are developed more fully in the attached assessment grid:
    • Evidence of accessing and using a wide range of academic sources (e.g. books and journals) to inform your paper
    • Ability to demonstrate a sound understanding of relevant theories, business models and concepts – and the ability to apply them appropriately in your discussion and analysis.
    • Ability to make a critical evaluation of relevant issues.
    • Ability to structure the paper logically and to communicate effectively using the English language in a suitably academic way.
    • Use the APA referencing system to accurately reference any literature sources used to inform the paper and to compile the related list of references.
    • Submission of all seven entries

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