The main theme of the research is the identification and extrapolation of strategies that retailers use to succeed / survive during the economic recession Custom Paper

    The outline research template comprises 10% of the module grade. It is essentially a two-page summary (approximately 500 words) of your proposed research topic. In essence, this provides an opportunity for early allocation of supervisors. In doing so, they are able to provide (formative) feedback on the outline research template and help you move forward with developing the research proposal. The templates are provided online: Outline research template and the grading criteria.

    The directed study exercises in Units 1–5 will generate relevant material to assist you in writing your outline research template, with further logistical and assessment details being provided nearer its submission date.

    The specific grade (F5-F1, P1-P5, D1-D5) awarded will reflect the extent to which the following areas are addressed (with more of these satisfied giving a higher grade within the categories of fail, pass or distinction):
    1. Clear and accurate title reflecting academic subject and sector/organisation(s);
    2. Context and rationale clearly stated and justified;
    3. Consistent and appropriate methodology, design and methods commensurate with the project aims (methods texts should be referenced)
    4. Ethical issues addressed, as appropriate.
    5. Accurate Harvard referencing covering relevant texts, journals etc. (not just web-based!)
    The category of grade (distinction, pass or fail) is selected on the basis of:
    A well-defined aim/research question with a clear and narrowly-focussed business and management academic area identified. This should be accompanied by (typically) 3-4 objectives demonstrating a coherent and logical journey to achieve the project’s aim.
    A potentially feasible topic that has an aim/research question with an identifiable business and management academic area but the scope is too wide-ranging both in terms of the academic subject (too general or too many areas considered) and the research aim is too broad and/or ambitious. Accompanying objectives may be incomplete or imprecise.
    A lack of coherent discussion of a feasible business and management topic, typified by a vague aim/research question that is unrealistic and lacking in detail. The core academic area is either absent, difficult to identify or outwith a business and management agenda. Objectives are either missing or lack credibility.

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