The Interrupters (2012)

    The Interrupters (2012)
    The Interrupters (2012) tells the moving and surprising stories of three Violence Interrupters—Ameena, Cobe, and Eddie—who aim to protect their Chicago communities from the violence they once employed. From acclaimed director Steve James and bestselling author Alex Kotlowitz, this film is an unusually intimate view of violence, its causes, and its interrupters.]

    1.What is your gut reaction to watching this documentary? BE HONEST – again! (for example, Can you relate to the experiences of the individuals in this documentary? Did you have a strong reaction to the topic or certain violence interrupters or perpetrators of violence?, etc.)
    2.Give at least 3 topics/issues that are highlighted in this documentary that relate to issues discussed in the Belgrave and Alison (2010) text? Explain the connection
    3.Discuss the key traits and skills Ameena Matthews embodies as a “violence interrupter” that allow her to successfully prevent shootings and mediate conflict. Do you think her sex (being a female) played a role in engaging communities and changing social norms around peace and violence?
    4.What was a moment in the film that you won’t forget, and why? What did that moment teach you?
    5.What will you take away from this online class experience? Although a great deal of the media and literature portray African Americans in a negative way, name 3 positive characteristics of this group (or community). As a citizen within your community, name at least one way you can promote the mental health and wellbeing of African Americans? – For example, advocating when necessary, speaking up when others make racist statements about the group, join and actively participate in the APSU African American Cultural Center, NAACP or Nashville Urban League, volunteer in a community center, etc.


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