The interpretation of Islamic texts is entirely independent of historical vicissitudes.”

    The interpretation of Islamic texts is entirely independent of historical vicissitudes.” Discuss.

    1. You must demonstrate that you understand the main analytical and ethnographic issues which are the subject of your essay. (These essays do not necessarily reflect the literature referred to on the reading list.) When referring to a particular work, one indication of such understanding is to restate the author’s ideas as they come up in your own argument, rather than devoting a lengthy section of your essay to summary. Another indication is that the textual material you quote actually supports the specific claim you are making.
    2. You will be asked to construct an argument, to define an assertion or position and to marshal evidence from appropriate texts to substantiate your claims. The argument needs to be stated clearly at the beginning and then developed coherently and consistently throughout the essay. Remember your essay has to be read and understood by others. In order to make your essay into a coherent whole you should:
    A. Start with an introduction, which clearly and succinctly states the problem and/or what position you will be arguing for or against. Indicate how you are going to address the topic (i.e., how you are going to go about constructing an argument).
    B. Then move on to the main body of the essay in which you defend and support you position by using specific examples to construct an argument. The evidence presented in the body of the essay should lead toward and help make your argument. Keep your argument clearly in focus and make sure to be explicit on how your points logically connect together to construct an argument.
    C. And end with a conclusion in which you briefly restate your case and emphasize the main points that you have made to support your position along the way. Be sure to be clear in the conclusion where you stand on the essay question


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