The innocent bystander effect occurs when people diffuse responsibility onto others, which often happens in busy or crowded environments

    – The innocent bystander effect occurs when people diffuse responsibility onto others, which often happens in busy or crowded environments. Think

    about one situation in which you may have participated in the innocent bystander effect by diffusing responsibility onto others. Why did this

    happen? If you would have acted in a more altruistic manner, how might the situation have changed? What feelings would you and the person you helped

    have had? Make a list of things you can do to increase the likelihood that you will not succumb to the innocent bystander effect in the future.

    – This week you are assigned to read the Duckworth (2005) article, “Positive Psychology in Clinical Practice.” Summarize how the author believes

    positive psychology may be utilized in a psychological practice. Then, expand on these ideas offering your own opinions/ideas of how Positive

    Psychology can be utilized in psychotherapy. Please offer a hypothetical situations (i.e. make up your own case study). For this question you will

    find the attached reading.

    -Explain the difference between positive and negative stereotypes of older adults. Give examples of each. Do you think either positive or negative

    stereotypes are more damaging? Why?

    -We have control over some of the factors that influence longevity. Describe three of these factors and why they seem to influence longevity.

    -Describe the difference between programmed and unprogrammed theories of senescence. Describe in detail one theory of each category.

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