The importance of domestic policies and its relation to words situation

    Research Paper Prep Assignment: Outline & Thesis Statement

    Title Page, Page #’s, Title restated at top of p. 2, Thesis Statement, Outline w/ double-spacing, sources listed in your References Page are properly referenced in the body of the outline, References Page (Sources listed alphabetically, even double-spacing, and Hanging Indent)
    Topic is to be based on approved topic from W1.
    Source Requirements: 1 source from Schiller online library; 3 additional sources from your own research
    In order to receive credit for your source from the online library you must include the full URL as part of your full-sourcing in the References Page so that the source can be verified (DOI/Export Citation is not accepted.).
    Outline should be well-organized and should flow logically. Your outline should show evidence of careful planning.
    In-text referencing for each source: Point out where you plan on utilizing your sources within the body of the paper via in-text referencing
    Thesis Statement: Indicate your proposed Thesis Statement within your Outline’s Introduction. Please see the Announcement on the Thesis Statement to help you prepare your thesis.
    Note: Perfect APA-style formatting is required for this submission; please see feedback on your Topics submission and make the adjustments necessary in order to submit this document in perfect format
    Double-space outline

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