The impact of Web Analytics on E-Commerce from each of the following perspectives: Management, Technology, and Organisational.

    Order Description

    You need to undertake detailed investigations to understand what is Web Analytics, and how does it impact on each of the areas from an e-commerce perspective. You will need to cover all the areas well.

    Unit Learning Outcomes assessed:
    * Analyse the nature of effective management and managers, and the evolution of management thought
    * Analyse the specific effects, influences and changes, deriving from various types of environmental factors, on contemporary management
    * Examine how management theory can be utilised in managing modern organisations
    * Assess the importance and impact of information technologies on organisations today
    * Appraise how information systems are used to support organisations and management decision making.

    Assessment Criteria:
    * Distinguish the theories and models of contemporary management.
    * Analyse the characteristics of effective management and managers.
    * Categorise the factors impacting upon effective management in the global environment.
    * Analyse the characteristics of managing diverse employees in a multicultural environment.
    * Distinguish the impacts of managerial ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development on modern organisations.
    * Identify principles and concepts underlying models of decision-making, planning, organisational structure and culture, leadership, and effective team management;
    * Apply these models to simulated or real-life business cases.

    About References:
    Some of the information sources must be web-analytic books. Every new paragraph must have a reference(-s).

    Please, don’t use too complicated words and phrases. I am a foreign student (originally from Russia) and English is not my native language.

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