The impact of sustainability on the responsibilities and roles of a human resource manager

    The impact of sustainability on the responsibilities and roles of a human resource manager

    Order Description
    Write a research paper that highlights research and ideas about the topic, and how the concept is viewed from the perspective of human resource management. For example, if you are doing a project on technology in organizations you will do a literature review on the topic. You will explore the relationship among HRM, its criticality in the success of businesses and you will identify how through technological integration, these can pose challenges as well as competitive advantages. (This is just an example).
    The paper should be of the highest quality, within 15 pages, written in APA 6 style, clear, precise, and interesting. The 15- page minimum does not include the title page. The paper should be double spaced with 1 inch margins. Make sure you cite your sources within the paper as well as on the reference page.
    Each paper must contain a clear purpose statement. You research should be primarily concentrated in recent literature (i.e.., since 2008) of Human Resource Management. Use scholarly journals as much as possible; do not cite secondary sources such as textbooks.

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