The History Of American Fire Prevention From 1600 To 2000 (2)

    The History Of American Fire Prevention From 1600 To 2000 (2)

    }Unit I PowerPoint Presentation

    }Select one of the following topics below for your PowerPoint presentation:

    }· the historical American fire problem and the current trends, or

    }· the history of American fire prevention from 1600 to 2000.

    }Once you have selected one of the two topics above, you must address the following:

    }· Define the national fire problem.

    }· Describe the history of fire prevention practices.

    }· Describe the philosophy and timing behind regulations for fire prevention, whether successful or not.

    }· Identify agencies and organizations that have been instrumental in forming fire prevention efforts in the USA.

    }· Compare and contrast the fire problem or prevention efforts to that which other nations have experienced.

    }Your presentation should be at least 15 slides. A minimum of 10 slides should be used for narration and five for graphics.

    }This does not include your cover page slide (title, your name, and university name) or reference slide. Your slides need to

    }be presented in chronological order from earliest to latest in terms of time.

    }The presentation requires the inclusion of no less than three non-textbook sources (e.g., Internet, associated journals and

    }magazines (non-Internet sources), and other related books (including associated textbooks), in addition to one source

    }from the online library.

    }Assistance with using the CSU Online Library is available from the Virtual Librarian. Click here to access the online help.

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