the Greek and Roman political structures

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    the Greek and Roman political structures

    Paper instructions:
    Answer one of the following questions in proper essay form. Use all the lecture and textbook material available to you, but pay particular attention to the information in the primary sources found in Kishlansky. Length is not the object in this assignment, so avoid writing a history of the time. Instead, organize your thoughts carefully and follow a thesis that will address all of the issues in the question you choose to answer. Limit your answer to 1250 words, about five pages. Presenting your ideas clearly and correctly is important and you should pay close attention to proper English usage and grammar. Please use 12 pt. font and double space your essay.

    1.Compare and contrast the Greek and Roman political structures, highlighting the major differences between the two systems. How were the ideals of the two political cultures expressed in the writings you have read?.
    2.Examine the essential features of Greek and Roman society. How did Roman social order differ from that of the Greeks? In your opinion, was there any improvement in society from the time of Egypt and Mesopotamia?.
    3.What were the fundamental elements of Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman religion? How did belief impact the individual in these societies?.
    4.Identify and evaluate the basic elements of early civilizations and describe the ways in which the Greeks and Romans developed unique social, cultural and intellectual expressions

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