The Epic of Gilgamesh

    For this paper, which must be at least 1000 words long (5 pages typed), please develop the ideas you expressed in one or more of your journal or discussion board entries. You are free to select a topic that interests you — the qualities of a hero or heroine, the value of a particular text, a comparison/contrast of two or more texts — whatever you wish. I strongly encourage you to check in with me as you think about your topic . . . feel free to write to me with your general ideas or possible thesis statements. The paper must have a clearly articulated thesis and include substantial reference to one or more of our readings. There is no need for any outside research for this paper; however, if you do consult any sources, you must be sure to document them.

    Paper must be in MLA format and must be submitted via the SafeAssign link posted below. No late papers can be accpeted

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