The diverse measurement techniques developed for different types of assets suggest that standard setters are confused about the nature of the attribute that is to be measured.

    Length: 2000 words 
    Group Assignment: 2 people 
    Format: Report 
    The diverse measurement techniques developed for different types of assets suggest that 
    standard setters are confused about the nature of the attribute that is to be measured. 
    a. Why is measurement in the context of accounting so important? 
    b. Why has measurement become such a controversial accounting issues in recent 
    c. Explain the arguments for and against using fair value as a measurement base. 
    d. Identify factors that may influence the choice of measurement approach. Discuss 
    how the measurement approach adopted impacts on the quality of accounting 
    information produced. 
    Provide reasons to support your position on the above. 
    Additional information 
    Assignments must not exceed the word counts indicated. 
    Your assignment must include an abstract/synopsis, introduction, essay body that clearly 
    addresses the problem areas, a conclusion and a properly referenced (refer to the research 
    essay marking guide for further guidance). 
    Evidence of extensive research beyond the prescribed text is required. Ensure these are 
    referenced. Refer to the University of Ballarat’s policy on plagiarism. 
    NO extensions will be granted unless supported by appropriate documentation prior to the 
    due date. 
    The group assignment is due in week 10. Assignments that are submitted late will be 
    penalised at the rate of 10% per day. The lecturer, in the evaluation of the group submission 
    and each individual’s contribution, may require any or all of the members of the group to 
    discuss various aspects of the assignment 


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