The Danger of misdiagnosed or under diagnosed bipolar in children “America’s dilemma” Custom Essay

    The Danger of misdiagnosed or under diagnosed bipolar in children “America’s dilemma”
    Bipolar is a very complex illness. There are many different symptoms — and several different types — of bipolar disorder. The primary symptoms of the disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings. The various types of bipolar disorder range from mild to severe. The other symptoms include more of a manic stage where there is excessiveness in everything such excitability, irritability, energy or lack of sleep. A person may experience racing thoughts, high sex drive and a tendency to make grand and unattainable plans. Depression symptoms may include sadness, anxiety, irritability, loss of energy, uncontrollable crying, change in appetite causing weight loss or gain, increased need for sleep, difficulty making decisions, and thoughts of death or suicide .Times of mania (ups) or depression (downs) may be less obvious in children and teens than in adults.
    This disorder can be hard to diagnose in children and teens. The symptoms can look a lot like the symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can also look like substance abuse problems and behavior problems. Bipolar disorder can often occur along with these problems. If you think your child or teen may have bipolar disorder, your doctor may ask about their behavior and feelings and give you and your child written tests to find out how severe the mania or depression is. There are other assessments that can be given in addition to rule out other health problems. The doctor will need to know any family history of mental illness, drugs or alcohol use because any of these problems can be linked to bipolar disorder.

    I plan to test the on the danger of children being misdiagnosis as bipolar. There are different stages of bipolar and other contributing agents to be considered. I will be testing the diagnosis, prognosis, and whether it has genetic or environmental influences. There are different criteria and subtypes to be considered when diagnosing bipolar because the symptoms may be confused with other mental defects.

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