The current population of the Earth

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    The current population of the Earth

    1) The current population of the Earth is about ________.
    A) 2 billion
    B) 5 billion
    C) 7 billion
    D) 9 billion
    E) 500,000

    2) Which of the following is NOT true of lands near the North and South poles?
    A) they are perpetually covered with ice or the ground is permanently frozen
    B) The polar regions are unsuitable for planting crops
    C) few animals can survive the extreme cold
    D) few human beings live there
    E) there is not enough light to make survival possible

    3) A person born in Nigeria is expected to live a certain number of years based on current mortality levels in that country. This is referred to as:
    A) life expectancy at birth
    B) crude birth rate
    C) mortality rate
    D) fertility rate
    E) none of the answer choices are correct.

    4) Which of the following regions has the highest infant mortality rates (IMRs)?
    A) South Asia
    B) East Asia
    C) Sub-Saharan Africa
    D) Central America
    E) South America

    5) TRUE or FALSE.
    The natural increase rate (NIR) is the total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society.

    6) Select a country other than the US that interests you. Tell me the country and give me the following info (most recent data you can find), and then write a summary of the countries population dynamics. I have provided the numbers for the United States in 2012 as an example. (worth 4 points)
    Country: United States
    Population = 313,914,040
    Population Density = 34. 3 people per sq. km
    Natural Increase Rate (or Annual growth rate, if you can’t find NIR) = 0.5
    Crude Birth Rate = 13
    Crude Death Rate  = 8
    Total Fertility Rate = 1.9
    Infant Mortality Rate = 6
    Life Expectancy = 79
    The United States has a large portion of its land suitable to living given the population density is not as dense as other countries. This is in part because of the large area of land belonging to the United States the low population (compared to other highly populate counties). Also, much of US land is suitable to agriculture or human civilization with very little in harsh environments. The country’s population is not growing very quickly based on the NIR, though migration will increase this growth, particular since many people immigrate to the US each year. However, since the NIR is based on crude birth rate and death rates, we see that birth rates are only slightly higher than death rates. Many women in the US are having few children, on average 2. And with low infant morality rate of 6 and long life expectancy, those who are born live to a ripe old age.

    7) The ________ is the number of people who are too young or too old to work, compared to the number of people in their productive years.
    A) youth bulge
    B) workforce
    C) workforce load
    D) dependency ratio
    E) debt burden

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    8) Which of the following countries is considered to be in stage 4 of the demographic transition?
    A) Argentina
    B) India
    C) Denmark
    D) Ghana
    E) Cape Verde

    9) Which of the following is a possible reason for a decline in birth rates?
    A) improved education
    B) improved health care
    C) access to birth control
    D) gender equality
    E) all of the above

    10) As they grow older, what impact will baby boomers have on the entire American population in the years ahead?

    11) Explain the population structure of Canada based on this population pyramid. Be sure to include a description of birth and death rates, life expectancy, young and old dependents base on the shape. (worth 4 points)

    12) Explain the population structure of Belize based on this population pyramid. Be sure to include a description of birth and death rates, life expectancy, young and old dependents base on the shape. (worth 4 points)

    13) True or False. Dr . Snow was able to show that there was a connection between income levels and belief in witches as the cause of the 1854 cholera outbreak in London.

    14) Medical researchers have identified a/an ________ that focuses on distinctive causes of death in each stage of the demographic transition.
    A) epidemiological transition
    B) demographic transition
    C) disease tracking
    D) large scale disease diffusion
    E) none of the above

    15) Which of the following is NOT true of the epidemiologic transition?

    A) In Stage 1, infectious and parasitic diseases were the principal causes of human deaths, along with accidents and attacks by animals and other humans.
    B) Stage 2 of the epidemiologic transition is known as the stage of receding pandemics
    C)  Stage 3 is characterized by an increase in deaths from infectious diseases and an increase in chronic disorders associated with aging
    D) In stage 4, society experiences delayed degenerative diseases.
    E) In stage 4, the major degenerative causes of death are cardiovascular diseases and cancers, although the life expectancy of older people is extended through medical advances

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