The Critical Chain

    1.      Use the format in the model essay. Yes, give me a meaningful thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

    2.      Address the following issues in the body:

    a.      Brief synopsis (1 page or less)

    b.      Measures – Discuss critical measures of project success

    c.       What makes projects late? What makes them long?

    d.      Give an example of project management delays not found in this book. What caused them?

    e.      What are the bottlenecks or constraints in project management and how does Goldratt suggest dealing with them.

    f.        How is critical chain management different from critical path method?

    g.      What was your key insight learned in reading this book?

    h.      You may bring in outside material to illustrate any of the above points.

    3.      Make the report about 6 pages not including references.  It can go over that slightly, but try to be concise. Pack a lot of content in the 6 pages. Make it graduate level quality.

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