The Course Project is due in Week 7. You will be preparing a comparative analysi

    The Course Project is due in Week 7. You will be preparing a comparative analysis between the U.S. healthcare system and that of another country of your choice. Requirements for the paper include 610 pages in length and strict APA formatting. This week research what country you wish to choose for your Course Project in order to write your comparative analysis of its healthcare system against the United States. Make sure that you are able to find adequate references for your project (i.e. a minimum of three scholarly or primary source references). Then in Week 2 you will enter your chosen countrys name into the Week 2 Dropbox for your instructors approval. In Week 5 you will be submitting your outline. There are no deliverables this week for the Course Project; however you will want to begin your research immediately. See the Course Project page under Course Home for more details.

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