The Costs of Imperialism Custom Essay

    Each chapter of the text has a what would you do question. I have selected ten of the questions for you to choose from. For five of these questions you are to write a short essay of two to three pages. The question for each chapter is in the book but for some of the questions I will put a little additional guidance on how I want you to approach the question. There is also a survey for each question. Please answer the survey questions. You may find it helpful to look at the survey questions before writing your essay.

    In your answer to the question please discuss at least one of the levels of analysis (individual, domestic, systemic) or theoretical paradigms (realism, liberalism). Which of these types of explanations best seems to fit this situation?

    Your essay should be informed by reading the text but I would also like you to use at least one additional source beyond the text to have a well informed essay. Please cite any sources used. I prefer APA (see Chicago style is acceptable.

    question :
    You are the leader of France in early 1954. Your country has spent near 150 years building up its second overseas empire. Colonies have long been considered a source of pride and a demonstration of a state’s power and influence in the international system. In addition, your country has expended great effort in spreading the French way of life and bringing culture to backward people in Africa, southeast Asia and the Pacific.

    World War II, however, took a great toll on your country. The German blitzkrieg allowed for only five weeks of survival before France fell, leaving a path of death and destruction in its wake. Your financial situation is precarious, and reconstruction is expensive. To compaound you difficulties, communist insurgents in Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh, have begun fighting for their independence from your colonial control. Continuing to fight to maintain control of your colony has significant costs, both financially and politically. The war is draining your coffers at a time you need to allocate money to domestic endeavors.

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