The concept of play is complex and can be viewed under different lenses including social and cultural influences


    Word limit- 1500 words

    You are to respond to the following statement in order to articulate your understanding of play.

    The concept of play is complex and can be viewed under different lenses including social and cultural influences.
    In this essay, you will argue the different perspectives of play by comparing and critiquing different theoretical lenses of children’s play. To achieve this objective, you need to consider:
    • theorising play – you must compare at least one traditional (classical) and one contemporary theory of play
    • changes impact on the perception and practice of play drawing on discussion on how different factors interact to influence the understanding of play.
    Essay requirements
    You need to compare both traditional and contemporary theories and draw upon research literature to develop a coherent argument across the body of the essay.
    Your main thesis is to argue about the complexities of play by comparing and critiquing different theories of play:
    • How di?erent theories have di?erent interpretations about play?
    • Why are there di?erences?
    • What different factors, including cultural influences interact to in?uence the notion of play?

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