The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters” Case Study from the Managing Organizational

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    Read the “The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters” Case Study from the Managing Organizational
    Change textbook. In a carefully constructed 5-7 page document, address the following course constructs as they relate to the “Challenger and Columbia Shuttle” Case Study: 
    • Images of managing change
    • Types of change
    • Challenges for change
    • Resistance to change
    • Implementing change
    • NASA vision and change
    • Sustaining change
    Requirements for this assignment include:
    • 5-7 pages in addition to a title page and reference page
    • Specific examples from the case study to support main points
    • Citations to support facts, ideas, and findings
    • Title and Reference pages adhering to CSU-Global Writing and APA standards
    • A minimum of 5 outside, credible references in addition to the textbook
    Review the Portfolio Project grading rubric, which can be accessed from the Course Information page to thoroughly understand the expectations for this assignment.
    Include an introduction, the body of text with headings to support transitions, and a conclusion.
    Develop a 5-7 page paper (title and reference pages do not count in the page requirement).
    Support your major points with citations from course materials and outside sources. Remember that you

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