The benefits of Democracy in other countries Custom Essay

    Even though democracy isn’t meant for all societies, it works well for the United States. Countries that have adopted democracy have greatly improved from its’ previous state and democracy helps governments regulate and improve its’ power.
    I. Montesquieu’s theory of Separation of Powers was based on the British Constitution and fit the U.S. perfectly.
    A. The evolution of democracy had risen from the first created solid government to the United States.
    B. The constitution follows Montesquieu’s theory and the six principles of government include Separation of Powers.
    C. The judicial part of the government has the power to watch the court system, the executive is the president, people and the cabinet, and the legislative is made of congress, senate and House of Representatives.
    II. Separation of Powers provides liberty and the power of the people provides freedom.
    A. The basis of democracy makes it solid and flexible for future generations.
    B. The United States has been a democratic government for over 200 years.
    C. The constitution has built in provisions for future generations.
    III. Separation of Powers prevents one part of the government from having too much power and turning authoritarian.
    A. Democracy prevents dictatorship.
    B. The government is split into three parts as well as the power. The three parts are; judicial, executive, and legislative.
    C. The judicial part of the government has the power to watch the court system, the executive is the president, people and the cabinet, and the legislative is made of congress, senate and House of Representatives.
    IV. Both Germany and Japan became more peaceful after transitioning from authoritarian to democratic.
    A. Other countries can benefit from democracy.
    B. Both Japan and Germany became democratic in 1945 after World War II, which initially ended all wars with either country.
    C. Japan hasn’t been in another war since WWII.
    V. Democracy helps in reform of a country after authoritarian power with technical and financial assistance.
    A. Democracy is the most efficient form of government.
    B. Postwar Japan was democratized which eliminated the secret police and allowed women in politics as well as making Japan a power state during the Cold War.
    C. Japan has increased its’ production of cars and have been selling them to the US, which improves Japan’s economy.

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