The Arabian Night

    You must use a primary source, obviously. This would be The Arabian Nights itself. The requirement also includes two secondary sources — two reliable sources that could be academic articles, essays about The Arabian Nights, articles or reviews from reliable newspapers or magazines, chapters from books, whether paper books or e-books, videos, speeches, etc. Any two of these!

    If you need help in figuring out what is acceptable, ask me through email. But know now that Wikipedia is not accepted, and neither is anything from a research paper “mill” — often giving you a little bit of the paper for free. Furthermore, you cannot use Sparknotes, Cliff Notes, etc. as a cited source, although I do not mind if you read Sparknotes, etc. as background information. I don’t even mind if you read Wikipedia as background, but don’t cite it. You can scroll down and see the sources that the Wikipedia writers use, and trace those.

    In brief:

    1500 words (4 and a half to 5 pages. VERY short! So focus narrowly!)

    Standard, 1-inch margins

    Times New Roman, 12 point font

    Double-spaced throughout. No extra space between paragraphs.

    NO cover sheet, just a header at the top left with name, course name and number, my name, date, and name of assignment.

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