The Annotated Bibliography

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    Putting it Together: The Annotated Bibliography

    For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography using the school Library and the Internet to find sources for your bibliography. (You can use the sources that you found in Modules 1 & 2). Each source should be relevant to the current event topic you selected in Module 1.


    In each annotated citation, summarize the main theme and scope of the source. Each annotation should include a sentence or two related to each of the following criteria:


    • Your evaluation of who is responsible for the content of the source or the authority of the author(s).
    • A summary of the main theme or key elements of the article and its intended audience
    • An explanation of how the information compares to or contrasts the other work you have cited


    Include a citation and annotation for each of the following sources:


    • One Web site
    • One journal article from the Library
    • One newspaper article (ProQuest)
    • One eBook


    Your paper should provide four total citation entries and their annotations. Annotations should be 2-paragraphs long (about 150 words) making your total assignment 2-to 3-pages in length.


    Use the information presented in the module to construct your annotated bibliography and be sure to adhere to APA guidelines.

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