The American vampire series “True Blood”

    Please put the 4 good very short video clip (less than a minute) of "True Blood" in the slide of this 4 points. Please be very reasonable, logical, and clever to show the point.

    In “True Blood”, vampires have existed for over thousand years, but they came into existence only in early 2000s when “True blood” the synthetic blood was created. In comparison to this, the origin of vampires has to be kept a secret as a “vampire secret”, though it was mentioned that they had existed for a very long time as well.

    Venom runs through the veins of twilight vampires, whereas cold blood runs through the veins of “True Blood” vampires.
    Twilight vampires are a minority, whereas “True blood” vampires are represented as a regular part of society.

    Twilight vampires kill all the times they suck blood and that too in the most dramatic, horrifying and violent way, whereas “True blood”, vampires suck blood and the victim does not die. Instead, the victim needs to take some vitamins such as vitamin B12, which is a form of vitamin B, to be precise, and to keep going as normal.




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